The Washington State
Hot Rod Hall of Fame

"Honoring those men & women, of all ages, who endeavor to do more for their community and the hot rod hobby."

Mission Statement: "To honor those individuals, car clubs and businesses that do outstanding work in their community and with their local charities. These individuals, car clubs and businesses always cast a positive light on the hot rod scene and help in promoting good auto safety and family values, both on and off the road." 

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The INCCC and some of our local car organizations wish to help publicize this organization. It is a volunteer group headquartered in Western Washington, but serves the entire state. It is not well known in Eastern Washington and that is what we hope to help with. At their annual banquet they induct selected nominees in the Hall of Fame, in numerous categories. Three of which are Outstanding Automotive Builder, Outstanding Automotive Interior, and Outstanding Automotive Artist. Each year they honor a selected club "for it's outstanding contribution to the community and local charities." There are other recognitions given. You can visit their website at the URL highlighted above for more information. Inductees are nominated by people who have knowledge of the nominee's efforts in the hot rod hobby. The nominees then submit information supporting their nomination and the year's inductee is selected by a committee of the Hall of Fame organization.

It is of note that there have been notable inductees from Eastern Washington. The inductees from all previous years are listed on their website.

As with any such organization, it functions only because of financial supporters; car clubs, individuals, and businesses. We've added below, a link to a copy of their solicitation form that lists their suggested support levels. You can download and print to submit a nominee.

Use the link at right to download the form PDF.  WA ST Hall of Fame

Below is information on how you can become a sponsor and what your sponsorship provides.